Anti-Bullying & Harassment Policy
ANTI BULLYING & HARASSMENT POLICY The EducateDancer Studio commits to anti bullying and harassment. We provide a safe and supportive community that fosters a lifelong love for dance and creative expression. In order to guarantee that all of our dancers are able to best pursue their passion, we implemented a comprehensive anti-bullying policy applicable to our students, dance families, staff, and employees. We define bullying as any behavior; physical, verbal, written (either electronically or in person), that detrimentally targets another person. This counts as bullying when it physically or emotionally harms a person and/or targets a person for any actual or perceived characteristic or creates a hostile environment in the dance studio. We encourage all parents to file a Bullying Report. The Admin team will contact the alleged bullying party, the alleged victim, teachers, assistants, and parents who may have possibly witnessed the event. Should, in addition, he/she find evidence that corroborates the report; this will serve as the basis for scheduling a course of action meeting. EducateDancer Director, LaTisha Perry will also review any report of bullying. EducateDancer staff members including educators, associates, and administrative personnel must intervene if they are made aware of the possibility that bullying is occurring including but not limited to witnessing bullying. All EducateDancer personnel has to intervene by completing the online report directly. Parents must make the studio aware of the bullying event, the parent is also required to take on the primary responsibility of filing a report. Please note that all payments made to the EducateDancer Studio are nonrefundable and non-transferable. If you are to make a payment for a special class, event, program, or workshop and wish to discontinue or cannot attend, you do have the option of using this payment as studio credit. This option is not available to parent/students whose enrollment has been terminated due to breaking any of the following studio policies. Enrollment can be terminated without receiving a refund If you participated in our annual Popcorn Fundraiser and decide to leave the studio with a remaining credit, your fundraising funds will be forfeited to the studio. EducateDancer will not tolerate bullying in any form; physical, emotional, social or otherwise. As such, we have implemented an Anti-Bullying Policy. One documented bullying event will have repercussions, which may include immediate termination of enrollment. Most noteworthy, as per the policy above, EducateDancer recognizes that bullying does not just occur between students. Parents or guardians, who harass another student, parent, or EducateDancer staff member, will have repercussions, which may include suspension or termination of student. Please report all incidents of bullying you witness to the studio personnel immediately. There will be no refunds for such actions. All dancers have a right to learn and develop their art in a positive, respectful environment. We realize that every situation reported through this form may require a unique followup.